Wear it Pink Day 2022

Wear it Pink Day 2022

It’s Wear it Pink Day and FFS have been getting involved to raise money for Breast Cancer Now! This weekend 1% of all sales will be donated to the charity, so if you’re needing any beauty top-ups, now’s the time to shop!

Breast Cancer Now’s wear it pink day is one of the top fundraising events in the UK, with thousands wearing it pink at work, school and in their community! This year is the 20th year that Wear it Pink has been running, with over £36 million raised since 2002!

For Breast Cancer Now, it’s their mission that by 2050, everyone diagnosed with breast cancer lives, and lives well. So, let’s continue to raise even more to help fund vital research, discovering how we can prevent, save lives and live well with breast cancer.

For tips on the signs to look for and how to check yourself, read our breast self-examination blog here.